
Monday, February 20, 2012


i thought its sweet..
but its bitter than death.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

long see :)

Today is 10 days that i have not seen you. another 3 weeks left. something about 20 days ... ah sad no love? i know... poof, what to do... i was checking my grades in the site today...i honestly did not do good in this quarter. and i know it's all because i was sick after sickness.. hum but good thing is atleast this staying at home and also this delay is a chance for me and i can catch up and do good. you know, sometimes when god gives you something bad, he gives you something good instead. i have experienced this alot and i am always so dumb to understand . heh , but when i sit and think about it , i realize life is not that bad. when you get something bad and sad , you get something sweet instead. this is fact.
we just bounce bounce bounce... * its not my fault , Taeyang singing here >.< *
you know when i listen to this song i remember summer. i used to listen to this song a lot. maybe everyday that i was going to work. this song was a song that every second of it's lyric reminded me of you. and also now.
i miss you. i really miss you. with all this bad missing feeling , i feel sweet when i think of a day that i am going to see you after this one long.
im going to see your sweet smile again  ,your handsome and cute face. movement of your attractive lips when you sing for me. your tiny fingers when it holds in my finger. shiny straight hair that moves with air conditioner cute nah?~! tiny little Asian eyes that for me they are bigger and beyond everything...vaster than oceansss  ..aahh Y U SO *lobely*?~ 
whenever we stop by gas station , you go and get drinks..and every time i get surprise how lucky you got something that i was craving.. your manly cute LEGAL  driving. hehe. i miss your dirty car..haha, when i nag about it and you say okay okay sorry i will clean it. how cute you always say okay to the Bowsss..heheh nah?~  no im your sheep~ Baaa'aaa 
our crazy getting hyper after feeling saying D control control..calm down >.< me jumping on ur belly with my head and shouting i feel like vomiting..why did i eat.... big huge size retard :))
such a sweet days we had everyday and i realize now...i have to precious them more.. much much more..
umm..aah. you know what i just remembered? the day we got doughnut and u got coffee and i got smoothie. omg drooling by remembering. srsly everything..with you..doubles the sweetness :) .. look.~! you are that sweet my sugary love.
i love you
i love you
i love you
i love you
burp *hopp*
you..breathing >.<
i love you My perfect noodle dish  haha~
you are angel ,, you know why? because you dont use perfume , you smell like flower (^__^) you make egg rice like i want to eat the bowl with the rice too :p , you care about me more than 100000 hospitals and doctor and medicines. hehe kidding but its true ^^ . you are Asian and this is the main point. and i just noticed , your attitude is like seung gi .. hhahaha *spaaaz* 
oppa~ be my asian love forever. dont do plastic surgery 

okay.. hum what to say more... i donno. hihi. i love writing and talking and talking and talking till i feel TONGUE-ACHE ... LOL
hum pretty much it ~ ^_^
ttyl ~

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

her bad condition,, yet happy days,,


This is Y :)

emm~ first her birthday was at feb 5th,,,

but apparently the day that its her birthday was a holiday so it was not possible to gather up friends

to make a special day for her :(
so i decided to make everything happen on 6th feb,,, which is the day after..

and also~ to surprise her,,, i kept everything secret,,, that she wont know about it,, but well,, hehe i

think when i kept too silent about it and not mentioned a word about it, she got suspicious about that i

am planning something special >_< :P

so,,, i get her birthday cake ready,,, with a friend of mine's help :P and i quickly thought what to do

for her :) emm~ i had everything planned... but hehe,,;; i didnt do any previous prep;; so i was kind of

very busy at the day of the event :P cuz i had to get everything ready only by then >_<

yah, more i think of it,, i should have done pre prep before the day of event >_< ahh~ what to do with

this laziness :P

anyways~ :)

while i was thinking of all these events and stuff... she started having fever and bad body condition..

she still is actually... its been many days and i am so worried,, :(
i hope she feels better,,, without any troubles..

she is keep on feeling like puking with slight fever,,, and coughs sometimes... i cant define myself if

her symptoms are for the coughing stuff... or anything else... i hope its nothing big,,, i am worried

more,, cuz she is having this for long time now.. its been around 4 days,, and about to be 5 days... and

doesnt seem to get better... T^T please~ GET BETTER~ FOR ME PLZ~

coutinuing with her bday :)
i was looking for what to give her out of many many stuffs i got for her >_<
i got many stuffs,, but its not easy to make it her stuff :P so i was thinking,, what are the best

things to give,,, when i need to keep it the lowest number of stuffs :P and,, i think i did good job

right now ;)
gave her the cat head/paw thingy... which i pretty cute and i wanted to get her :)
and also her bracelate, pencil case, and other pens and a cat paw thingy(i dont know how to properly

call it >_< )

then,,, at the evening,,, i went to the bakery that i ordered the cake and brought the cake :)
when i first saw it,,, although i ordered i didnt know it would be so big >_< in a way it was like the

biggest cake i ever saw :P
but her name was printed not written... emm~ i kanna hoped it was written,,, :P
oh oh oh~~ also,,, it was written 18th bday >_<,,, when its 19th!!
i told them to fix it :P they just fixed at the place,,, i dono how easy they did but uhh~ anyways :P

D - day~!
In the morning when i saw her,,, i didnt mention anything about the bday events or anything,, i kept

absolutely quiet about anything thats going to happen for her :)
and,,, the day before,, her condition was not good... so i was talking only about her condition.. and i

am always really worried about this matter nowadays... ah,,, :( i hope she gets better quickly,,

then we went to uni~ and like any other normal day i was behaving normal,,, except that i was keeping

something away from her ;P which is any intel about her bday >_<

i think she felt bad,, and depressed in the middle,,, cuz of her condition,, and also not many people

telling her "happy birthday" phrase... i understand that feeling,,,
but i was not so much worried  about that part ;)
cuz~ something was about to happen! >_<

at the end of class,,, she was meant to have a midterm... but was delayed to next day >_< she got so

much happy about it XD so her mood got better~ which was great for me to see :) i always feel good like

a stupid boy when she is feeling happy >_<

anyways :P

but shortly after,,, when the class for that midterm came,,, she started feeling bad again,,, :(
ahh~ i was hoping how to keep her fine at least till her event.. cuz i was sure she will feel so great

after the event :)

when her class started,,, i reconed i have 2 hours to prepare this event,,, which i havent bought

anything didnt do any pre prep for it... which means i had to run everywhere to get everything and

prepare everything :P

i first drove like a racer to my house,, got her cake :)
then went to a mall near by, to get other prep stuffs,,,

when i went to this famous store,,, for having every nice stuff for cheap price and not bad quality :P
i was looking for some things she might like,, and things to rap her gifts :)
i got everything,, and i also added sheep head ear thingy cuz she like to be my cutezy sheep >_<

pehehe :D

then~ her friend told me,,, that the class is going to end a bit quick >_<
so i was basically got in a super hurry mood~ >_<

cuz i basically only had 30 min to go uni and even stop by a supermarket on the way to get other stuffs

and prepare everything and rap everything :P
ahh~ i literally raced on the street that day >_< just avoiding all those speed cams :P which i remember

all of them cuz its road i use everyday~ >_<

heheh when i got to the uni,,, there was 2 girls down to help me move stuffs and get ready for her event

i had to move her cake first,,, and other presents and items. we got them up,,, and got everything

ready,,, so quickly >_< i dont even have a clue how i got ready so fast XD

hehe anyways,, :)
then when she came in the room~ i went ballons poping with surprise~~ >_<

hehe was good fun and i feel proud the event went well :) ahh~

and so yah~ the cake was apparently actually too big :P
we all had so much cake,,, and then,, even left it in the launge to give it just away to other students

in the uni :) we are so good peoples arent we >_< give to even people who didnt come and celebrate and

congrat her ^^;;;

after everything,, when we were going back,, i saw her mood,, very happy,, and lovely,, ^_^
i always want to see her like that,, <3

but,, her condition was still not great,, she couldnt have any of her own cake,, cuz her appitite was

completely off.. :(
but depite all that,,, her mood was great for that day :) <3

and,, i really loved,,, how her mood was,,, i hope,,, she always can feel like this,, even at the most

depressing monment,,, cuz she has me,, and i will always support her,, :)

even by the end of day,,, she was feeling really great,,, although she was still not feeling well...

i dont know,, but i think i was happy about the fact that she was feeling good and lovely ^_^ :),,,

anyways,, ;)

she is still sick,,, i dont know what is the problem,,, but its going long,, and even her own father,,

that he is doctor cannot really define what is wrong with her body condition... i hope its nothing

great,, and she can get better so quickly,,, :)

i will wish,, to see her in a perfect condtion tomorrow,,

i love you,,, huny,, <3
take care of yourself for me,,, and stay happy,, <3
i will do my best to keep you as the happiest girl in the world,,, ^_^

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Our Feelings,, and Our life

emm~ this is actually D's blog but i am writing here as well :P
i want to have a page that shares our emotions and our feeling,, its good,,, hehe i really like the

point we have somewhere we talk out our emotions and what we are thinking about out on a page :)

Today,,, we were haveing a pretty busy day,,, a tired and too many stuffs to do :P
but~ :) we went through very well,,, and heheh sweet feeling always at the end of day when i can feel

love so much from my girl,,, <3

i want to always stay beside her,, and concentrate to what we need to do together,, :)
and build up our future,,, then heheh i guess we all know what is the next thing,, ;)

although today was a very tired,,, and day with many things to be done,, we went through it well,,, and

hopefully the assignment D submitted gets a nice result ^_^
what we do,, and what we dream about,, all we hope and all we want,, is good life together,, <3
For me,,, Even a best life i can imagine is meaningless if i dont have you,,, remember,, ^_^ first thing

for me,, is always you,,

From your Man,,, Y

One month passed...its February

With everything happening today
You don't know whether you’re coming or going
But you think that you’re on your way
Life lined up on the mirror dont blow it
Look at me when Im talkin to you
You looking at me but I’m lookin through you
I see the blood in your eyes
I see the love in disguise
I see the pain hidden in your pride
I see you’re not satisfied
And I dont see nobody else
I see myself I’m looking at the

You know whatever happens today, we do not know what is gonna happen in future. however today is bad we can not guarantee tomorrow is as good as same and how bad is today we can not say tomorrow is gonna be bad too ~ honestly saying life is so ,,,,, i do not what word to use for it. but i do believe that when you think good about it, good thing will happen :) . its like looking in the mirror. if you see yourself pretty in the mirror, you will look pretty for other peoples too.

you always have to say to your self ~ " I even look good in the broken mirror "

Today was a fine day. not bad not good. i got so tired because of non stop writing and thinking. you know back before the time when i used to always tell my dad that : " dad you are always thinking and your face is always full of thoughts" , now i look at myself.. i can not believe that in a short time i can think about too many things. maybe my brain is more interested in thinking about every single thing around me. you know actually , i like this feeling and thinking :) it makes me realize so many things. few days ago you said its better not to think alot, just accept something and do it. um,,, me?? i can't !! i do not know i just cant.

Mirror on the wall, here we are again
Through my rise and fall
You’ve been my only friend ( my hubby >.< XD )

you know ... one of the sweetest things that i always hear from you is when you talk about family stuff. how you want to be dad and honestly saying in your age if you go to ask 20-21 year old guys they will laugh at you. i'm proud how you can be a responsible boyfriend, responsible son and responsible friend... i adore you. for your manner, for your kindness and for being respectful with anyone. from 1 year old person till old grandmas and dads :)
that is a big thing in life... everything is not money and studies...
i congratulate you for having nice personality. because what builds you and your future is this simple characteristic :)

tough, also serious, kind, handsome, respectful, responsible, caring, stubborn for his life and one of the good humans out of 6 billion ^_^

Oh, I see the truth in your lies
I see nobody by your side
but I’m with you when you re all alone
And you correct me when Im lookin wrong
I see that guilt beneath the shame
I see your soul through your window pain
I see the scars that remain

I Love you ~ no matter what ^_^

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

night night ~ Midnight Light

It's time to get crazy and laugh ~
Tonight's " Photo of the Night " is :

"super spicy Indian first night " 


I did make up my mind ~ " hopeful "

Hallo My Asian Boy ^_^ hihi~ 

Today is Tuesday. end of the first month of 2012. it passed so fast. one month. psh~ i feel like it was yesterday that i was watching new year fireworks. 
you know hopefully , today i was a little lucky and when i suggested the prof. about the date of the exam , she accepted. because when i think about it now, i feel like i really could not finish it in 1 day and half and get a mark that i expect to get. i am not saying it was impossible but still, the more time the better confidence in exam ^_^.
at the moment i am listening to Tablo-airbag. i think his songs are those kind of songs that you never get tired of listening to them again and again. calm and nice rhythm .
you know when i'm thinking about today and how i was eating like crazy i kind of feel awkward about my poor stomach and body ~ haha. when i reached home and i was lying down on my bed and i was reading the magazine that i took from out building lobby, it was written inside it about healthy foods and fruits. i kinda realized i have to control my diet and eat more healthy. there is something in my life that i really have to remove it. that thing is SNACK. those things that they have too much calory and they don't even satisfy my sweet tooth .

honey.... i feel so hopeful. i do not know why. but i feel confidence in me :) . i feel like if i really want something i can easily get that thing. you know till now at least ME , myself know that when i love to achieve something. i can easily do it.
hum .. today was a good day. in the morning we spent time together, then i went to my class and then you. and remember the jewelpet i got >.< *so excited* and 2500 hello kitty wallpapers. yey~ hehe . you know hny when you say that i do not want to grow up , i feel like you are really my dad and im your daughter. honestly saying . this feeling is really sweet :)
tomorrow is Wednesday and we are mostly together.
love, you know after i woke up i went to toilet then i was looking in the mirror and i was thinking,,, i am much much more dependent to you , more than a month ago. you know this feeling makes me more sensitive about being with you. this feeling does not let me to leave you never ever not even for a short time. i know it is not that good to be this much dependent but what to do :D . never ever leave me, ^_^ whatever happens to me :) you are my hope in life. by the way, i was again thinking about ehem :P i think i will just give it to you to do it... and i will trust you :) no matter what ! 
aah its few days i see you go to club every evening and you are playing again :) i'm happy to see that you are practicing. you know, me .. i had lots of opportunities to be good in music , sport but as always i gave up in them and now i don't have that old chance to continue them. all it is because of i grew older and i appreciate things that i have now more and better than years ago. aaah :)  life is so miserable. (trying NOT to be pessimistic lol).
at the moment, the best feeling is when i touch my  little brother cheeks. so soft...aaay.
when you sing bumkey part of the song... i love your lips. always sing for me my beautiful love <3
good night .. goood night ... goood night.. good morning ~ try try try XD

i can do anything for you ...
just if i do not face any bad luck :) 

 xx i love you xx
oppa paa ~~