
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

her bad condition,, yet happy days,,


This is Y :)

emm~ first her birthday was at feb 5th,,,

but apparently the day that its her birthday was a holiday so it was not possible to gather up friends

to make a special day for her :(
so i decided to make everything happen on 6th feb,,, which is the day after..

and also~ to surprise her,,, i kept everything secret,,, that she wont know about it,, but well,, hehe i

think when i kept too silent about it and not mentioned a word about it, she got suspicious about that i

am planning something special >_< :P

so,,, i get her birthday cake ready,,, with a friend of mine's help :P and i quickly thought what to do

for her :) emm~ i had everything planned... but hehe,,;; i didnt do any previous prep;; so i was kind of

very busy at the day of the event :P cuz i had to get everything ready only by then >_<

yah, more i think of it,, i should have done pre prep before the day of event >_< ahh~ what to do with

this laziness :P

anyways~ :)

while i was thinking of all these events and stuff... she started having fever and bad body condition..

she still is actually... its been many days and i am so worried,, :(
i hope she feels better,,, without any troubles..

she is keep on feeling like puking with slight fever,,, and coughs sometimes... i cant define myself if

her symptoms are for the coughing stuff... or anything else... i hope its nothing big,,, i am worried

more,, cuz she is having this for long time now.. its been around 4 days,, and about to be 5 days... and

doesnt seem to get better... T^T please~ GET BETTER~ FOR ME PLZ~

coutinuing with her bday :)
i was looking for what to give her out of many many stuffs i got for her >_<
i got many stuffs,, but its not easy to make it her stuff :P so i was thinking,, what are the best

things to give,,, when i need to keep it the lowest number of stuffs :P and,, i think i did good job

right now ;)
gave her the cat head/paw thingy... which i pretty cute and i wanted to get her :)
and also her bracelate, pencil case, and other pens and a cat paw thingy(i dont know how to properly

call it >_< )

then,,, at the evening,,, i went to the bakery that i ordered the cake and brought the cake :)
when i first saw it,,, although i ordered i didnt know it would be so big >_< in a way it was like the

biggest cake i ever saw :P
but her name was printed not written... emm~ i kanna hoped it was written,,, :P
oh oh oh~~ also,,, it was written 18th bday >_<,,, when its 19th!!
i told them to fix it :P they just fixed at the place,,, i dono how easy they did but uhh~ anyways :P

D - day~!
In the morning when i saw her,,, i didnt mention anything about the bday events or anything,, i kept

absolutely quiet about anything thats going to happen for her :)
and,,, the day before,, her condition was not good... so i was talking only about her condition.. and i

am always really worried about this matter nowadays... ah,,, :( i hope she gets better quickly,,

then we went to uni~ and like any other normal day i was behaving normal,,, except that i was keeping

something away from her ;P which is any intel about her bday >_<

i think she felt bad,, and depressed in the middle,,, cuz of her condition,, and also not many people

telling her "happy birthday" phrase... i understand that feeling,,,
but i was not so much worried  about that part ;)
cuz~ something was about to happen! >_<

at the end of class,,, she was meant to have a midterm... but was delayed to next day >_< she got so

much happy about it XD so her mood got better~ which was great for me to see :) i always feel good like

a stupid boy when she is feeling happy >_<

anyways :P

but shortly after,,, when the class for that midterm came,,, she started feeling bad again,,, :(
ahh~ i was hoping how to keep her fine at least till her event.. cuz i was sure she will feel so great

after the event :)

when her class started,,, i reconed i have 2 hours to prepare this event,,, which i havent bought

anything didnt do any pre prep for it... which means i had to run everywhere to get everything and

prepare everything :P

i first drove like a racer to my house,, got her cake :)
then went to a mall near by, to get other prep stuffs,,,

when i went to this famous store,,, for having every nice stuff for cheap price and not bad quality :P
i was looking for some things she might like,, and things to rap her gifts :)
i got everything,, and i also added sheep head ear thingy cuz she like to be my cutezy sheep >_<

pehehe :D

then~ her friend told me,,, that the class is going to end a bit quick >_<
so i was basically got in a super hurry mood~ >_<

cuz i basically only had 30 min to go uni and even stop by a supermarket on the way to get other stuffs

and prepare everything and rap everything :P
ahh~ i literally raced on the street that day >_< just avoiding all those speed cams :P which i remember

all of them cuz its road i use everyday~ >_<

heheh when i got to the uni,,, there was 2 girls down to help me move stuffs and get ready for her event

i had to move her cake first,,, and other presents and items. we got them up,,, and got everything

ready,,, so quickly >_< i dont even have a clue how i got ready so fast XD

hehe anyways,, :)
then when she came in the room~ i went ballons poping with surprise~~ >_<

hehe was good fun and i feel proud the event went well :) ahh~

and so yah~ the cake was apparently actually too big :P
we all had so much cake,,, and then,, even left it in the launge to give it just away to other students

in the uni :) we are so good peoples arent we >_< give to even people who didnt come and celebrate and

congrat her ^^;;;

after everything,, when we were going back,, i saw her mood,, very happy,, and lovely,, ^_^
i always want to see her like that,, <3

but,, her condition was still not great,, she couldnt have any of her own cake,, cuz her appitite was

completely off.. :(
but depite all that,,, her mood was great for that day :) <3

and,, i really loved,,, how her mood was,,, i hope,,, she always can feel like this,, even at the most

depressing monment,,, cuz she has me,, and i will always support her,, :)

even by the end of day,,, she was feeling really great,,, although she was still not feeling well...

i dont know,, but i think i was happy about the fact that she was feeling good and lovely ^_^ :),,,

anyways,, ;)

she is still sick,,, i dont know what is the problem,,, but its going long,, and even her own father,,

that he is doctor cannot really define what is wrong with her body condition... i hope its nothing

great,, and she can get better so quickly,,, :)

i will wish,, to see her in a perfect condtion tomorrow,,

i love you,,, huny,, <3
take care of yourself for me,,, and stay happy,, <3
i will do my best to keep you as the happiest girl in the world,,, ^_^

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